Wednesday, January 21, 2015

2015 New Year's Eve Outreach

Ministering to a man on New Year's Eve
We began 2015 with our annual New Year’s Eve Outreach. This year we hosted two teams from Ohio who helped us bring the gospel and about 125 gallons of hot cocoa to the people in Times Square. One of great stories from this outreach came through an interaction with a young Muslim girl. She came up to the Prayer Station and said, "Can you pray for me? I hear that things happen when you guys pray for people." We prayed for her need and we're continuing to pray that she will be brought into a close, personal relationship with Jesus Christ. How awesome it is to know God is answering prayers; even people from other religions are being drawn to the living God!

This outreach also had a big impact on the individuals that served with us. Many of them mentioned that the outreach was very new and challenging to them. But they also said that God met them in a very personal way and encouraged them to keep pressing on for His glory. This trip changed the way they viewed people and they saw how easy it can be to witness to someone, even if they just met them. One young man said, “It didn't really matter how much time you spend with them, but just sitting there, talking to them and listening to them, is what mattered the most.”
The teams listen attentively
during the final night debrief 

Pastor Gary, who has come to serve with us in the past, shared the following story with us. He said that during the outreach he actually saw a man that he had met on one of his previous trips. He said, “I refuse to believe in coincidences. I was supposed to see him again to remind me that it’s worth coming here, investing in people, and building relationships.” These are the kind of impacts that we love to see in the people who come serve with us. Some of the young people are even considering doing an internship with us. Praise the Lord!

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