On our way in to Tompkins Square Park recently, we were
praying for the day and those we would meet.
The Lord impressed that He was going to bring people who were searching
for Him and eager to learn more about Him.
A few people approached the truck asking for housing assistance;
they currently live in a shelter. A
young woman chimed in, “And I really need prayer too.”
After sharing with them the information, we
took some time to talk a little more.
She told me, “I don’t know how to pray.
What do you do? My son prays but
I want to learn.”
It was wonderful to
share with her how we can talk to God about anything, even like a friend. We can approach Him with any of our needs.
We also talked about the Bible and the prayers
in it, especially the Psalms. “I don’t
have a Bible.” Thankfully, we always have Bibles on the truck to give away. We
blessed her with a new Bible and pointed her to the Psalms and the Gospel of
Then we prayed and she went on her way. We’re praying that this seed planted in her
life will grow and flourish into a relationship with Jesus. The Lord is faithful; He directed our prayers
and answered it that day.
Thanks for sharing this story - very inspiring to hear how God is at work through Street Life Ministries!